
Bagaimana nak jadi rajin?

Dah cuba google “cara untuk menjadi rajin’ tapi still rasa malas tu menebal. Aku di tahap kritikal dah sekarang ni. Aku sangat malas dan takde motivasi langsung sebab apa yang aku wat sume xjadi. Sume x diterima.

Jadi aku rasa it is a waste of time. Apa yang aku baca semua x boleh dipraktikkan. Dia tetap nak apa yang dia mahu walaupun there is no point in doing that.

I’m lost. I loose hope. Seriously.

What I did all this years is just nothing. I feel so down.

Tapi aku tahu aku kena bangun balik. Cuma aku rasa buat masa ni aku dah x de semangat. I need a break. very long break.

Rasa nak cuti seminggu tapi tataw la dia bagi ke x.

I wish aku boleh jadi org baru lepas aku rehat kali ni. Aku pon nak berjaya macam orang lain jugak.

Just for my reminder on how to be rajin.

1. Aku perlu stop all this gadget things, social network and everything. I think I should just keep my phone in my room.

I must limit my time and I can only use it only at 6-7pm.

2. I have to do ‘daily list’. Every night I have to list down what I need to do in the other morning and I have to make sure they are completed.

3. I have to keep the same schedule everyday.
8-12 Work
2-6 Work
9-12 Work

Try buat selama 21 hari. Inshaallah nanti akan jadi habit.

4. Jumpa dia every week. Wajib. So that u will make sure that u have progress.

5. Pray and keep praying sampai dapat. Jangan putus asa.

“Ya Allah, aku berlindung denganMu dari penyakit tua dan kesedihan, dari lemah dan malas, dari bakhil dan penakut, dan kalah dengan hutang dan kekuatan lelaki” [al-Bukhari]

“Ya Allah, aku memohon dariMu ketetapan dalam urusan kerja dan keazaman atas hidayat”


So, lets work hard and may success be with us forever!

-Feeling determined-

2 responses to “Rajin

  1. sakiinah

    tips rajin is displin haha resist temptation tp x semstinya kena cut off all the fun. everyone needs a break.

    recognize ur own weakness, and find out what is the best way for u to focus,
    some ppl likes to study in a quiet place, some ppl have to have music on, so identify what makes u happiest & the best time for u to learn or the best time for u to do your works like ada time do your readings, ada time do the things u like to do for breaks, ada time do what u need to do so that it doesnt get boring for u..

    i get stressed when i sit too long so i go out and play or take a walk when it gets too much. theres nothing wrong taking a break in between just not too much. else u will lose your momentum. the only enemy is yourself and the best of friend is your own.

    so dont be too hard on urself but dont be too easy until u forget your priorities. u know urself so do something about it once u have embraced your own weakness and turn it into your strength. everyone have their own way in studying, it doesnt have to be the same. what works for you wont work for others, so do whatever that will help you learn better not what others think you should do.

    hope that helps 😉

    p/s: enjoy your break, & come back freshed , happy mind, happy research 😉

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